Thursday, February 13, 2014

Guest Lecture 2

Yesterday, we had a guest lecture of our school president, Hibiya Sensei. I think this is very rare and wonderful chance to have a direct lecture from the leader of our school. Before I had this guest lecture, I had not thought about taking any of the world language classes, nor learning abroad. However, after I had a lecture from her, I started to think about taking world language. I have not yet decided which language to take, so I would like to hear any opinion about any classes! :)

Since the lecture had changed my opinion towards world language class, I would like to give some advantages to learn foreign language, which we might use later in our life.

10 Benefits of Learning a Foreign Language

1)  It makes you stand out.
2) It makes it easier to learn a second or third language.
3) It says something positive about you.
4) It allows communication with more people.
5) It increases advancement opportunities.
6) It increases your job opportunities.
7) It makes traveling easier.
8) It can extend your life.
9) It demonstrates you have a wide range of skills.
10) It promotes understanding of another culture.

These tips may be atarimae to the students in ICU, but I think it is valuable to realize about your ability again, to make full use of it.

I especially liked the “3) It says something positive about you”, because I agree to the idea that challenging and acquiring something, not only foreign language, may help you to be confident of yourself.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Chapter 10

In chapter 10, the author talks about the finding creative ways to solve problems. Since I am not
a creative person and often get stuck with my thoughts, I searched for some ways to be a creative person.

1. Commit Yourself to Developing Your Creativity
2. Become an Expert
3. Reward Your Curiosity
4. Realize that Creativity is Sometimes Its Own Reward
5. Be Willing to Take Risks
6. Build Your Confidence
7. Make Time for Creativity
8. Overcome Negative Attitudes that Block Creativity
9. Fight Your Fear of Failure
10. Brainstorm to Inspire New Ideas
11. Realize That Most Problems Have Multiple Solutions
12. Keep a Creativity Journal
13. Create a Mind Map
14. Challenge Yourself
15. Try the "Six Hats" Technique
  • Red Hat: Look at the situation emotionally. What do your feelings tell you?
  • White Hat: Look at the situation objectively. What are the facts?
  • Yellow Hat: Use a positive perspective. Which elements of the solution will work?
  • Black Hat: Use a negative perspective. Which elements of the solution won’t work?
  • Green Hat: Think creatively. What are some alternative ideas?
  • Blue Hat: Think broadly. What is the best overall solution?
16. Look for Sources of Inspiration
17. Create Opportunities for Creativity
18. Consider Alternative Scenarios
19. Create a Flow Chart
20. Try the Snowball Technique

It is hard for me to work out all these tips, so I would like to choose some of the tips.
I think 15. Try the "Six Hats" Technique might be easy and understandable technique to enhance my creativity. I was surprised to know there were tips to be creative, and also surprised by the number of approaches. As I know how to become creative now, I want to put efforts to be creative problem solver.

Guest Lecture

In our lecture on Monday, we had Mr.Kitashiro for our guest lecture. His first impression was that he was softer than what I expected. As I listened his lecture, I realized that his thoughts are close to that of Shackleton, especially in the part of being optimistic. I think being an optimist naturally is, in the way, talent that was gifted. Normally, people are born to be pessimistic to avoid the same mistake again. Since we learned from him that people cannot remember more than three points, I would like to give tips to be optimism, using three points.

  1. Find good points in the bad situation.
    For example, if the train was late because of accident, think “I was lucky that I did not get caught on the train that actually had accident.” Or even “it was lucky for me that I was not the one who had accident. I should be careful when I walk the platform.”
    This is important step to be optimist, because once you started to think you were unlucky, you will get caught by the thought.
  2. Use positive words, even if you are feeling negative.
    The words can give big effect to your thought. If you speak ill of others, your bad emotion towards that person would increase. In order to avoid it, it is important not to use negative expression.
  3. Start from the style.
    When you are angry, have a deep breath and smile. It is proved by science that smile can make brain to produce hormones to feel positive. Although you cannot change your emotion easily, you can control your facial expression.

These tips are sourced from my knowledge and experience, therefore I cannot put any links, but often these tips are given in many articles and books. I was not born as optimist, so these tips have helped me a lot. I think Mr.Kitashiro was born to be a leader.