Thursday, January 23, 2014

Chapter 6

In chapter 6, it was described that Shackleton admitted when he made mistakes. I thought this was important whether you are a leader or not, and also that Japanese people are not very good at this. They apologize by word but sometimes the improvement does not follow. Therefore I searched whether if there is a good way or tips for apologizing.
I found a website that mentions the effective tips for apologizing. The following is the summary of the page.
  1. Take responsibility for your actions. You only have to say “I’m sorry” when you apologize, not fancy words. It is better when you add the reasons why you are sorry. Furthermore, you should avoid using “but” to make excuses.
  2. Acknowledge the repercussions.
    To make your apology more effective, you can use objective repercussions to promise your better acts. Also, you must avoid using “if” (Ex. “I am sorry
    if you felt offended…”).
  3. Ask for forgiveness OR offer redress. Even though you are asking for forgiveness, do not ask straight questions as “Will you forgive me?” Instead, you should say “I wish…”
  4. Shut up and let it end. The words that follow your apology makes it ineffective. You must stop talking after making apology.
These were the tips written on the website, and the common factor written on the several websites were that “admit you were wrong” and “feel apology”. I wish they would help you in the situations when you apology someone :)

Here is a link to the site;

1 comment:

  1. Hi Miku,

    Thanks for all the terrific posts, and I admire your ability to catch up the way you have. Good stuff. Also, I wanted to mention that the Johari Window is new to me, but a very interesting idea. I think the unknown part is particularly intriguing, especially as it applies to the potential that we all have that we have yet to realize.
